PTE Summarize Written Text Template Tips

PTE Summarize Written Text Template Tips

PTE is an increasingly popular choice for individuals pursuing academic or professional opportunities abroad. One particularly challenging task in the exam is “Summarize Written Text" section, which requires test-takers to condense a passage into a single sentence. To simplify this task, using a structured approach, like PTE Summarize Written Text Template, can be highly effective.

PTE Summarize Written Text Overview

In the "Summarize Written Text" task, you are given a passage and asked to summarize it into a single sentence between 5 and 75 words. You have 10 minutes to read the text, identify the key points, and write your summary.

Key Features of PTE Summarize Written Text Task

Feature Details
Word Limit 5 to 75 words
Time Limit 10 minutes per question
Passage Length Up to 300 words
Focus Identifying main ideas and combining them into one coherent sentence
Grammatical Accuracy Essential for full marks
Number of Tasks Typically 1 or 2 per exam
Common Mistakes Leaving out key details, run-on sentences, poor grammar

The main challenge in this section is finding a balance between conciseness and completeness. You need to ensure all important ideas are captured without over complicating your sentence.

PTE Summarize Written Text Template

This template is designed to help you systematically identify and summarize the main ideas from any passage-

"[Topic/Main Subject] [context, details, or additional information] explains/discusses/highlights/describes [key point 1], and also mentions [key point 2], while emphasizing [key point 3], which demonstrates [final conclusion or implication]."

Applying Template to a Sample Passage

Let’s see how this template can be applied to a typical PTE passage. We will use the following text as an example:

Sample Passage:

Disabled people were among the early adopters of personal computers. They were quick to appreciate that word processing programs and printers gave them freedom from dependence on others to read and write for them. Some of these disabled early adopters became very knowledgeable about what could be achieved and used their knowledge to become independent students at a high level. They also gained the confidence to ask that providers of education make adjustments so that disabled students could make better use of course software and the web, rather than just word processing.

For some disability groups, information in electronic format (whether computer-based or web-based) can be more accessible than printed information. For example, people who have limited mobility or limited manual skills can find it difficult to obtain or hold printed material; visually impaired people can find it difficult or impossible to read print, but both these groups can be enabled to use a computer and, therefore, access the information electronically. Online communication can enable disabled students to communicate with their peers on an equal basis. For example, a deaf student or a student with Asperger’s syndrome may find it difficult to interact in a face-to-face tutorial but may have less difficulty interacting when using a text conferencing system in which everyone types and reads text.

In addition, people’s disabilities are not necessarily visible in online communication systems; so disabled people do not have to declare their disability and are not perceived as being different."

Step-by-Step Breakdown of Template

[Topic/Main Subject]:

The passage is about the adoption of personal computers and digital communication by disabled people.

[Context, details, or additional information]:

It explains how technology empowered disabled individuals by giving them independence and enhancing their educational opportunities.

[Key point 1]:

Early adopters of technology among disabled individuals became knowledgeable and independent, pushing for adjustments in education.

[Key point 2]:

For many disability groups, electronic information is more accessible than printed information, helping them interact on an equal basis.

[Key point 3]:

Online communication hides physical disabilities, so disabled individuals are not perceived as different.

[Final conclusion or implication]:

The adoption of technology by disabled people has led to greater independence, equal communication, and educational advancements.

Final Summary Using Template

Now, let's combine all of these elements into a single, cohesive sentence:

Disabled people, who were early adopters of personal computers, gained independence through word processing and online communication, and pushed for educational adjustments, while electronic formats provided accessibility to those with mobility and visual impairments, ultimately enabling them to communicate on an equal basis and hide their disabilities in online interactions.

This summary is concise, covers all the main points, and adheres to the word limit (47 words).

Why This PTE Summarize Written Text Template Works?

PTE Summarize Written Text Template is designed to:

  • Organize the main ideas in a clear, logical sequence.
  • Ensure completeness by capturing the key points of the passage.
  • Maintain fluency and coherence, which is essential for achieving high scores.
  • Reduce stress and time pressure because you have a structure to follow and can focus on identifying key information rather than figuring out how to structure your answer.

Tips for Using Template Effectively

  • Practice with Multiple Passages: The more you use the template with PTE mock test, the faster and more efficient you will become at identifying key points and writing summaries.
  • Focus on Main Ideas: Ignore minor details, statistics, and examples unless they are crucial to understanding the passage’s main argument.
  • Check Your Grammar: Even with the best summary, grammatical mistakes can significantly lower your score. Always ensure your sentence is clear and grammatically correct.
  • Use Synonyms: Paraphrase key ideas in your own words as much as possible to avoid repeating the exact wording of the passage.
  • Manage Your Time: Spend the first few minutes reading and understanding the passage, and the rest of the time constructing your summary.


Vishal Kapoor -Author

Vishal Kapoor

(PTE & NAATI Expert)

Vishal Kapoor is having 6+ years of expertise in instructing PTE and NAATI, both in Australia and internationally, with an impressive 100% success rate among students. As a certified expert by Pearson in PTE and NAATI, Vishal Kapoor has developed a comprehensive teaching approach derived from extensive research and a wealth of teaching experience. Tailoring coaching techniques to individual skill levels and target scores, Vishal's guidance has proven instrumental in helping numerous aspirants attain their desired scores. With a commitment to personalized tips and solutions, Vishal Kapoor is dedicated to facilitating the success of those preparing for PTE and NAATI examinations.

Introducing the AI PTE Portal , meticulously designed to closely simulate the actual PTE exam experience. Crafted by Vishal Kapoor, this innovative AI portal ensures an authentic and immersive preparation environment for PTE aspirants

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