What is Extended Writing and Extended Speaking in PTE?

What is Extended Writing and Extended Speaking in PTE?

Extended Writing and Extended Speaking are essential parts of PTE exam, testing your ability to communicate effectively in English. Two important parts of PTE test are Extended Writing and Extended Speaking, which are designed to assess how well you can express your thoughts clearly and accurately. Understanding these sections is important to performing well on PTE, as they test essential language skills needed for real-life situations.

What is Extended Writing in PTE?

Extended Writing is a section of PTE exam that tests your ability to write a longer response in English. This is typically done in the form of an essay or summary. You are expected to provide detailed, structured answers that show your understanding of the topic and your ability to express yourself in clear, correct English.

Types of Writing Tasks

  • Summarize Written Text: In this task, you are given a short text (around 300 words), and you have to summarize it in one sentence. You are allowed 10 minutes to complete this task. The challenge here is to pick the main ideas and combine them into one clear, meaningful sentence. Your summary should be concise but cover all the important points of the text.
  • Essay Writing: This task requires you to write a response of 200-300 words on a given topic. You are given 20 minutes to write the essay. The topics usually focus on current issues or general ideas, such as the importance of education, technology, or health. You need to present your opinion, support it with examples, and structure your essay properly (introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion).

What is Being Tested?

  • Grammar and Vocabulary: Your ability to use proper grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary.
  • Coherence and Cohesion: How well your ideas flow together and how logically they are connected.
  • Content: Whether you address the question or topic fully.
  • Spelling and Punctuation: Correct use of spelling and punctuation.

What is Extended Speaking in PTE?

Extended Speaking tests your ability to speak clearly and at length on a given topic. It is a important part of PTE test as it shows how well you can communicate in spoken English, especially in situations where you need to explain, describe, or argue a point in detail.

Types of Speaking Tasks

  • Describe Image: In this task, you will see an image, such as a chart, graph, or picture, and you must describe it in detail. You have 25 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to speak. The goal is to explain the main points of the image, using proper language and clear pronunciation.
  • Retell Lecture: Here, you listen to a short lecture (up to 90 seconds long) and then summarize it in your own words. You are given 10 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to retell the lecture. This task tests your listening skills, as well as your ability to summarize and communicate key points clearly.
  • Answer Short Questions: You will be asked a series of simple questions (e.g., "What is the capital of France?"). These are designed to assess your general knowledge and how quickly and accurately you can respond in English.

What is Being Tested?

  • Pronunciation: How clearly you pronounce words and phrases.
  • Fluency: Your ability to speak smoothly without unnecessary pauses or hesitations.
  • Content: Whether you provide a correct and detailed response.
  • Oral Communication Skills: How well you use language to explain ideas and information.

Importance of Extended Writing and Speaking in PTE

  • Demonstrates Language Proficiency: These sections show how well you can use English in real-life situations. Whether you are studying, working, or living in an English-speaking environment, you will need to express your thoughts clearly in both writing and speaking.
  • Reflects Real-World Scenarios: The tasks in these sections are similar to what you might encounter in everyday life. For example, writing essays or summarizing information is common in school or work, while speaking at length is necessary in meetings, presentations, or conversations.
  • Holistic Evaluation: These sections test more than just your grammar or vocabulary. They assess how well you can think critically, organize ideas, and communicate effectively. This makes them a key part of PTE exam, which aims to provide a complete picture of your English skills.

How to Prepare for Extended Writing?

Practice Summarizing: Read articles or watch videos and try to summarize the main points in one sentence.

Essay Writing: Practice writing essays on various topics. Focus on structuring your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
Grammar and Vocabulary: Work on expanding PTE vocabulary and using proper grammar. Online tools or grammar books can help with this.

Tips for Extended Speaking:

Describe Image: Look at charts, graphs, or pictures and practice describing them aloud. Focus on explaining the main points clearly and accurately.

Listen and Retell: Watch short videos or listen to podcasts, and then try to summarize what you have heard in your own words.

Practice Speaking Regularly: Speak English as much as possible, whether with friends, in language exchange programs, or by recording yourself.


Vishal Kapoor -Author

Vishal Kapoor

(PTE & NAATI Expert)

Vishal Kapoor is having 6+ years of expertise in instructing PTE and NAATI, both in Australia and internationally, with an impressive 100% success rate among students. As a certified expert by Pearson in PTE and NAATI, Vishal Kapoor has developed a comprehensive teaching approach derived from extensive research and a wealth of teaching experience. Tailoring coaching techniques to individual skill levels and target scores, Vishal's guidance has proven instrumental in helping numerous aspirants attain their desired scores. With a commitment to personalized tips and solutions, Vishal Kapoor is dedicated to facilitating the success of those preparing for PTE and NAATI examinations.

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